Yes, I know it's taken me long enough to get these pictures posted. We were blessed with two beautiful healthy babies on November 25, 2009. Rebekah Lynn Cox was born at 9:06 a.m. weighing in at 5 lbs. 7 0z. & 17 inches long and Kaden Roy Cox was born at 9:08 a.m. weighing
6 lbs. 10 oz. and 19 inches long. Everything went well and we are so happy to finally have these cute little bundles of joy in our home. It's so amazing the feeling their mere presence brings to our home. We are so fortunate and blessed to have 4 beautiful children!
Delivery Day - 11/25/09
Ben holding Rebekah and me holding Kaden
Yes, I am a little dazed in case you couldn't tell!
Mom & Rebekah
Doubly blessed!
Ben, the proud papa! Fortunately we only had to stay in the hospital for 2 days and then we were able to come home.
They are so stinkin adorable!! I love my new little niece and nephew!! You are an awesome mom and sister!!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness, how ablsolutely beautiful are those little babes...and you my dear did NOT just give birth to twins! You look amazing. I am so excited for you. I wish I could give you a big squeeze and hold those little dolls. What a cute family you have! I love and miss you! Congratulations!
ReplyDeleteI am so excited for you guys! They are both so beautiful! I am glad that everything went so well! LOVE YA!
ReplyDeletecongrats!!!! We had our new baby boy 4 days after you on the 29th!! I aM SO HAPPY you got a little girl! yeah! They are so beautiful!
ReplyDeleteOh!!! I can't wait to see them this weekend when I get home!!! Love you guys!!
ReplyDeleteJenny, they are so beautiful!! Congrats!! So happy you got your girl :) And she'll have lots of boys to look out for her :) Love you! -dionne
ReplyDeleteYour post brought happy tears to my eyes! They are beautiful and I love their names. You look amazing for just giving birth to twins! Congratulations and enjoy your family of 6!
ReplyDeleteI am so super excited for you. They are beautiful! I hope my child is a beautiful as yours are. Thanks for sharing.-Love Beth Payne Rhoades
ReplyDeleteYay! Congrats you guys!
ReplyDeleteHey Jenny it's Stacee. I was with Holly Neene and Steph yesterday and we wondered about your babies and they told me you had a blog. So I thought I would check it out and stay in touch. Your babes are adorable, congrats.